Filter Overview All Products x Applications All Outdoor 2 Tactical 3 Emergency Preparedness & Relief 9 Disaster Relief 9 First Responders 9 Emergency Stock 72 Survival Kits for Liferafts 2 Humanitarian Aid 9 Solutions Water 7 Nutrition 2 Brands Katadyn 5 Trek'n Eat 2 Spectra Watermakers 2 Effective against Bacteria 4 Cysts 4 Protozoa 4 Sediments 4 Water Source Clear Water 5 Muddy water 4 Salt Water 1 Group Size 2-5 2 > 10 6 Usage daily 6 often 1 Operation powered 1 Series Vegan 2 Allergens Gluten Free 1 Lactose Free 2 Packaging Bar 2 Find Spare Part Disaster Relief Our reliable and low-maintenance desalination and water treatment systems purify salt water as well as contaminated fresh water and brackish water. In addition, ready-to-eat emergency rations and freeze-dried meals ensure rapid supply for population groups in need. Our desalination, filtration and disinfection solutions range from portable, flight-ready units to solar-powered, energy-efficient container-based reverse osmosis systems and robust, stationary desalination and purification systems. Our systems are reliable, low-maintenance and can purify salt water as well as contaminated fresh water and brackish water. You can rely on our solutions to provide safe water for years to come. Our freeze-dried meals for simple and quick preparation as well as our ready-to-use emergency food rations made from high-quality ingredients ensure basic care for people in need and can be stored for long periods and easily transported. Projects & Case studies New Aquifer 4000 The Aquifer 4000 is a high-volume desalination system designed to make 16 m³ per day (4,300 GPD) of drinking water from any water source including fresh, brackish and seawater. discover Aquifer 200 AFD Watermaker 8 Gallons per Hour in a Rugged Case - External Power Required discover Katadyn Drip Filter Ceradyn Katadyn Drip Ceradyn is a self-contained water filtering station for large amounts of water. Suitable for groups of 10 or more and for extremely dirty water. € 450.00 discover Katadyn Expedition Filter Katadyn Expedition - the high-performance filter. Suitable for groups of 10 or more. Effective against microorganisms. € 1,950.00 discover Katadyn First Response Gravity Filter 3L Katadyn First Response Gravity Filter 3L is an emergency filter for families and small groups in temporary need of water filtration solution. discover Katadyn Rapidyn DIY Filter Kit This product is only available for humanitarian aid organizations. The Katadyn Rapidyn DIY Filter Kit is an emergency filter for small to large groups who need clean dri... discover Katadyn Rapidyn Gravity Filter 10L This product is only available for humanitarian aid organizations. The Katadyn Rapidyn Gravity Filter 10L is an emergency filter for small to large groups who need clean... discover NRG-5® Emergency Food Ration € 10.00 discover NRG-5® ZERO Emergency Food Ration € 12.00 discover